Pelajar patah tulang hidung ditumbuk akibat salah faham; Hakim PBB dituduh memperhambakan pekerja sendiri; SPRM buka dua kertas siasatan terhadap Sapura Energy; Bunuh isteri dan bayi, Mahkamah Persekutuan kembalikan hukuman mati bekas pemandu lori
SABTU, 15 MAC 2025 - 14 RAMADAN 1446 H |
| | Malaysia akan memperkukuh kedudukannya sebagai pusat perdagangan, kewangan dan teknologi yang berdaya saing dalam keadaan perubahan global, kata Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. | BACA DI SINI | | | | | | | |
Perbelanjaan politik sama ada secara terangan atau berselindung adalah sesuatu yang tidak dinafikan di dalam perjalanan politik terutama di dalam pilihan raya. Amerul Muner Mohammad Former Chief Executive of the Special Committee on Election System and Law Improvement (ERC) | | | | |
Dapatkan waktu berbuka, imsak, kalkulator zakat, artikel menarik Ramadan di sini | | For the past couple of years, Malaysians have struggled with a shortage of local white rice. This is despite the Government's ongoing interventions, its promises to crack down on rice-mixing, and its plans to distribute 24 million bags of rice at RM26 each. But are these just short-term fixes to a broken supply system? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks with Datuk Dr Ameer Ali Mydin, Managing Director of the hypermarket & emporium chain Mydin, and Syed Zikiri Syed Hassan Shahabudin, Head of the Malay Consultative Council's Food Security Cluster. | | | | |
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