The Buyback Principle states that you should continually use EVERY resource you can to buy back your time. This can eventually help you get more things done.
Here's what Dan Martell, the bestselling author of Buy Back Your Time has to say.
"The little-known secret to reaching the next stage of your business is spending your time on only the tasks that:
- you excel at,
- you truly enjoy
- add the highest value (usually in the form of revenue) to your business."
Now ask yourself… how can you reach the next stage of your business by buying back your time?
Here's one of the ways… business owners spend around 20 hours monthly maintaining their WordPress sites. By handing over WordPress maintenance to the experts, you can INSTANTLY buy back these 20 hours. That means you can focus on what you excel at and get more things done!
2. Make incremental improvement
Incremental improvement is an approach by which you focus on making smaller improvements that slowly but surely move the business toward success.
Want to make incremental improvements to your business? Focus on making one small change at a time.
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