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Setuju had jawatan PM kepada 10 tahun, kalau 22 tahun boleh rosak negara - Anwar

Jalan TAR meriah, warga kota buat persiapan raya; Isu 3R: Polis serah kertas siasatan aktivis kepada AGC pada Isnin; DAP rakan setia Anwar I...

Peruntukan tambahan RM500 juta atasi masalah air bersih di Kelantan - Anwar

Buat kecoh, PDRM buka kertas siasatan libat pegawai polis wanita; Lebuhraya Lingkaran Tengah Utama mula dibuka 25 Jun - Abdul Rahman; Kerajaan UK akan mengharamkan boikot barangan Israel
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7 Topic Paling Hangat - Astro AWANI

ISNIN, 19 JUN 2023 - 30 ZULKAEDAH 1444H

Peruntukan tambahan RM500 juta atasi masalah air bersih di Kelantan - Anwar

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim hari ini mengumumkan peruntukan tambahan RM500 juta untuk mengatasi masalah air bersih di Kelantan.


Sistem pendidikan negara berdepan krisis - Pakar

Umat Islam di Malaysia sambut Aidiladha 29 Jun

Buat kecoh, PDRM buka kertas siasatan libat pegawai polis wanita

PRN: Tindakan tegas akan diambil terhadap pihak sebar sentimen 3R - Fahmi

5,000 penjawat awam lantikan kontrak diserap ke jawatan tetap - MB Selangor

Lebuhraya Lingkaran Tengah Utama mula dibuka 25 Jun - Abdul Rahman

Kolumnis AWANI

Generation End Game: A new era for tobacco control in Malaysia

Public health advocates argue that the bill is necessary to protect the health of future generations.

Dr Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani Sabri

Penganalisis politik dan kolumnis.

Menarik di Podcast Astro AWANI

Consider This: Urban Resilience - Urbanisation, Gentrification & Inequality

What are the social, economic, and cultural consequences that arise from urbanisation? Is it possible for modern cities to reconcile progress, gentrification, and resilience? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to Hyun Bang Shin, Professor of Geography and Urban Studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science in the UK. He is also Director of the LSE's Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre.

Melisa and Sharaad speak to various experts and stakeholders to understand their perspectives – so you can consider all sides of the news.

Video Pilihan Untuk Anda

Kerajaan UK akan mengharamkan boikot barangan Israel

Delta Sarawak disasar terima pengiktirafan Geopark Global UNESCO

Laporan Khas: AI bantu mudahkan kerja ''scammer''?

Program Temu Anwar di UMK


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ITEX Accolades Affirm Excellence of SJK (T) Batu Caves | Astro Ulagam

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Youth Parliamentary Debathon 2023

Should Parental Leaves be Implemented in Malaysia? Inequality in the current parental leaves system, insufficient parental leave undermines gender equality and more

Langganan Berita Astro Awani melalui emel
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