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fastest way to grow


Hello alluser,
If you came to me today and asked me to reveal only one tactic to grow your business the fastest I would without hesitation say - Strategic Partners.

Find someone who already has your ideal client and figure out how to do something so valuable for them that they are compelled to introduce you to their clients.

Call it referrals, cooperation, whatever you like, it's a game-changer.

As you likely know I released a new book this fall and came to find out that two of my peers/friends - Mike Michalowicz and Dorie Clark - we launching new books on the same day.

So, what did we do, we cooked up some awesome ways to partner and promote each other as we promoted ourselves.

I'm sharing today as a bit of a case study with a twist - see most people focus only on non-competitors, which makes sense, but Mike, Dorie, and I are direct competitors, right?

Nope, that's not how we see it.

We see it as the classic rising tide cliche and I think this is an idea that is sorely overlooked.

So, who can your partner with, who can you co-market with, who can you get introduced to by way of providing value?

Here's a short list of a few of the ways we promoted each other.

And here's a little artifact of our work together - when you go and look at our books, Amazon says they are frequently purchased together - so, that's kind of cool

Go out and partner and prosper.
John Jantsch
Duct Tape Marketing

Duct Tape Marketing, 941 Indian Peak Rd, Golden, CO 80403, United States
