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Anwar tidak bimbang cubaan hasut Ahmad Zahid; PN nafi pujuk BN bentuk kerajaan baharu; Kemalangan di Setiu: Jenazah tiga beranak dikebumi da...

The psychology of high converting websites


Hello alluser,

As digital marketers, it's our job to create successful web experiences.

But the online world today is extremely noisy. If you want to be able to cut through all of the noise, it's essential you understand how to apply psychology to your client's websites.

To help you with this, we've narrowed down the 6 most crucial elements, and provided and tested, real-world sites that follow the same:

  • Cognitive science behind the user journey backed by data analysis
  • Copy position and length to show value quickly and reassure users
  • Proven design principles to create a website that performs

Leading marketers don't just follow; they leverage the principles with exceptional design, clever details, and innovative, creative solutions that keep evolving.

I have a free article to share with you that will help you navigate the psychology behind successful web design for your clients' projects and create web experiences that convert.

Get the free article

John Jantsch
Duct Tape Marketing

