Hey alluser, Can you guess what's one of the easiest ways to boost your SEO rankings? Headlines! Yup, you heard me right, headlines. They are super underrated, but the click-rate on headlines is a search engine ranking signal that Google uses. My team uses a free headline analyzer inside WordPress that helps us create more engaging SEO titles which help improve rankings. Here's how you can use the headline analyzer in WordPress to improve your SEO titles and rank higher in 2022. Of course this is on top of the basic WordPress SEO setup that all sites must have such as including sitemaps, proper schema, and such. When you go to the article above, you'll see a link for our ultimate guide on that too :) New WordPress Tutorials on WPBeginner: - Want to add a PDF viewer in WordPress? Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to add a PDF viewer on your site. - Looking for an easy way to offer a shipping discount on your site? Perhaps free shipping over certain amount during holidays? Here's a quick tutorial on how to offer shipping discounts in WooCommerce. - I asked my team to create a list of the best membership site examples for inspiration because I know many of you want to launch your own online courses in 2022. - Last but not least, have you checked out the crazy limited-time WordPress giveaways that are happening? Don't miss out on these. Have a great rest of your week :) Cheers, Syed Balkhi Founder of WPBeginner | | | |