Hey alluser,

Do you know what's common with the lead generation strategies of Statista.com, Medium.com, and Washington Post?

Spoiler alert: They all do content gating!

They only provide limited access to their premium content. For unlimited access, users are required to submit their email address or pay a subscription.

Content gating works!

That's how TradingStrategyGuides.com has added nearly 11,000 targeted subscribers to their list in a little over a month. Photowebo, on the other hand, increased conversions by 3806%!

Check out this guide if you want to boost your signup rates with OptinMonster.

Generate Leads and Revenue with Content Locking

Want to create a premium library of exclusive content on your site?

Then you'll need to integrate the membership functionality into your existing site.

All you have to do is follow these 3 simple steps…

Step 1: Install a membership plugin

Simply use MemberPress, the best all-in-one membership plugin for WordPress. It seamlessly integrates with almost every email marketing platform, payment gateways and more.

A few more features:

  • Integrating MemberPress to your existing site is a breeze
  • You can even charge users based on different pricing plans
  • Create, manage, and track membership subscriptions and sell digital download products.
Step 2: Repurpose your existing content

Want an easy way to produce premium content?

Just turn your existing blog posts into ebooks and premium courses and allow users to download it by logging into your membership site.

Step 3: Promote your membership site

Promote your premium library throughout your WordPress site and entice your visitors' to get a membership.

Start gating your content today and convert your regular visitors into loyal subscribers.

Talk soon,
Thomas Griffin
Co-founder of OptinMonster