Hey alluser,

Let's be totally honest: 2020 was tough.

And despite our best efforts, 2021 isn't getting a whole lot easier. 

People (including YOUR customers) are tired, stressed, and looking for a little relief wherever they can take it.

This is where your website comes in.

In a few easy steps, you can learn how to "gamify" your site. This happens when you transform the customer journey into something that's fun to play

Doing so gets people more engaged with your brand, BOOSTS conversions, and breaks up the pattern of a boring customer journey. 

Go check out this article with 3 actionable strategies to use gamification on your site. 

When you implement these tactics, we're positive you'll be pleased with the results. But we're also positive your customer's will be pleased with the process.

In other words, we're teaching you to create a game for your website where both YOU and YOUR CUSTOMERS come out the winners

So why not give your audience the fun and relief they've been looking for?

And, hey, why not also grow your business while you're at it? 

I'd wish you luck, but if you use any of these 3 gamification strategies, you won't need it...


Nathan Thompson
Product Educator, OptinMonster

P.S. Worried that gamifying parts of your site will take too long or be too technical? Don't be. I already tested 2 of these tactics with my not-so-tech-savvy mother.

Trust me, if she can do them in under 10 minutes, so can you.

Go learn exactly how to gamify YOUR website today!