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Permohonan ibu, bapa Zayn Rayyan untuk dilepas, bebas ditolak; Nor Farah kini pemain boling padang nombor satu dunia; Campur beras sejak 70-...

Welcome to WPBeginner! Here's where to start...

Hey... my name is Syed Balkhi, and I'm the founder of WPBeginner. I wanted to take a second to say hello and welcome you to the family.

Seriously, on behalf of myself and the entire WPBeginner team, I want you to know that we're truly excited and grateful that you decided to join us...

I know this is going to be an absolute game changer for your WordPress knowledge no matter what stage you're in!

Here's what you can expect from us...

We will publish fresh WordPress tips and tutorials to our blog five days a week (Monday - Friday). At the end of every week, we will send you an email with a short description of each article, why we think it's important for you and a link to read the full article.

We will also send you emails about new WPBeginner courses, software, and other cool premium resources from time to time BUT only once we've vetted them.

Sounds fair? GOOD!

Here's what you need to do now to get started... 


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This is important! Not only will you receive updates about new WordPress tutorials from the blog, you'll also receive killer tips on how to get more traffic, tools / resources that we are using, and killer strategies to get an edge over your competitors.

But if our emails aren't getting through to you, then you will miss these important updates and won't receive the full benefit of being a WPBeginner subscriber.

So please take the following simple actions to make sure nothing slips through the cracks:

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Step 2:

Visit the Start Here page to familiarize yourself with the top WPBeginner sections:

This includes resources like WPBeginner dictionary, exclusive deals, free WordPress videos, and more.

Step 3:

Take two seconds to join us on social media, as this will be our primary method of communication outside of email updates (we share tons of cool things there):


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We respond the fastest via Twitter, so if you have questions then simply tweet us @wpbeginner with the hashtag #AskWPB.

P.S. The next few days are gonna feel like Christmas...

Because as an added bonus for subscribing, I'm going to be sending you our "best of the best" resources to make the most out of WordPress.

Stay tuned... it's gonna be good.


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Here's to you and an amazing 2021!
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7732 Maywood Crest Dr
West Palm Beach, FL 33412

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