Hey alluser,

Today, I want to share with you a simple psychology trick that can help you significantly boost conversions on your site.

It's called social proof.

Social proof is based on a concept that people have the tendency to follow the actions of a crowd.

This is especially true when you're in an unfamiliar place, like a huge gathering, a party, or in our case, a website you've never been to.

How could you use your user's natural instinct to "follow the crowd" to boost your on-site conversion?

The easiest method: Use TrustPulse.

TrustPulse is an honest marketing platform that displays live, verified customer activity instantly on your site to boost conversions.

You can show real activities like purchases, signups, and downloads, and it has been proven to increase conversions by up to 15%.

Here are a few features of TrustPulse that can help you boost conversions: 

  •  Smart targeting: Show social proof to the right people at the right time.
  • Flexible design: Customize the notification the way you want.
  • Works on any site: WordPress, Shopify, or even HTML site… TrustPulse works on any website.
Get Started with TrustPulse Today!

Leveraging social proof is one of the ways that you can step up your on-site conversion game and better compete with established brands without spending a fortune.

Talk soon,
Thomas Griffin
Co-founder of OptinMonster